Sunday, January 02, 2022

endless void

Did almost literally nothing today.  Laid in bed with the dogs, mostly.  Ordered some groceries via Instacart because of wanting to avoid Covid and it's quite cold and I don't particularly want to do anything today.  Unfortunately our shopper was kind of unimaginative and simply refunded all the items that weren't available instead of getting approximate replacements.  But... mostly my ennui comes from really dreading work starting up again.  That's entitled whining, I know, considering how good I have it compared to a lot of this country and the world.  But a great number of things have changed since I started this chronicle.  Hanover is a fine public school and I guess I'm lucky to work there considering how depressing my job search was but I am really, really not looking forward to seeing the uncontrollable defiant kids.  Not to mention the bullshit assessments, unmanageable class sizes, and general diverting of funds from anything that might actually benefit kids.  

Anyhoo, as I write this is getting late in the evening and I have less than 3000 steps on my Apple watch.  Since I have a streak of 150+ days of 10,000 steps I'd better get on it.

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