Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Just give me one extra season

Well, Cake has the Covid so I am isolating in the house and will sleep in my office.  I feel fine though and have three shots in me, so I'm not as worried as I have been in the past.  Tomorrow I'll get myself one of them rapid tests them scienticians rave about.

Work was good.  We had a K meeting during my one free period that was very odd.  Rand, a staff member who has some title like "Inspector of Curriculum," and whose job seems to be to make sure that everyone else is doing their job and is therefore pretty useless, started right off with laying down the law.  Our mentor teacher-slash-assistant-slash-co-teacher-slash-coach (she has an ill-defined role and an ill-defined authority) Ms. Callpork, has been doing various things to make the days of me and Ms. Young easier.  She's been doing some teaching in Ms. Young's class as well, which Rand did not react well to when she heard.  And so apparently now all support of any kind from her is going out the window, and Ms. Callpork is supposed to now sit and watch and report (to Rand, natch).  It got kind of strained and awkward, and at one point Ms. Young talked about how Ms. Callpork had been pulling our low reading group, and Rand just lit into her with this, "Don't use that as an excuse!  That's a gift of time."  It was very sudden and out of left field.  Also, I had the odd sense that none of this was addressed to me, like I was an observer in the room.

In the hallway, I expressed how odd it all was, and that not only was it depriving us K teachers of a much-needed and -appreciated resource, it devolved Callpork's role into some kind of... I don't know, observer if you want to be kind and snitch if you're more cynical.  She replied that actually this was all brought about because when P and VP happen to walk by and glance at our rooms, I always seem to be teaching but they somehow never see Young teaching anything.  I guess that explains the feeling I had of not really being part of the meeting.

After school we had a meeting on making our laptops work like the phones at work.  Truly, we live in the future.

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