Thursday, November 13, 2008

More sounds of blackness

Yesterday's post was silly and born of exhaustion from burning he midnight oil, but it did get me thinking seriously:

We have a black president. Holy flurking schnitt, as Kang the alien might say. Considering that the United States has had a grand total of five black senators in its entire history (including Obama himself and the first two, who were Reconstruction-era candidates forced down the South's throat by state legislature), that's amazing.

In 1958, retarded Arkansas governor Orval Faubus shut down every high school in Little Rock so black students couldn't come in.

I mean, damn, America! Segregation was federally outlawed in this country in 1964. Obama was three when that happened.

First popularly elected black senator? Edward Brooke of Massachsetts, 1967.

In the realm of space travel we have real progressiveness, since the first was Robert Lawrence in 1967, only nine years after NASA's inception. But the programs he was on were kept fairly secret, so most people think it's Guion Bluford, who went up in Challenger in 1983.

First major party black candidate for President of this here land? 1972, when NY Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm threw her hat in the ring. She lost, I think. You can look it up.

First elected black governor? Douglas Wilder of Virginia, 1990. Yes, nineteen-ninety. And he had to win by a recount. And he looks like a white man, frankly.

Speaking of 1990, that was the same year that David Dinkins became the first black mayor of that cosmopolitan, segregated, liberal city, New York.

Mississippi formally ratified the Thirteenth Amendement prohibiting slavery in 1995. Good job, fellows! Perhaps you'll recognize the rights of gays to marry by the year 3600!

First black Secretary of State? George W. Bush's scapegoat Colin Powell, 2001.



Michael5000 said...

First African American to be on the Presidential ballot in all 50 states? Whom michael5000 voted for on his very first ballot, back when third-party politics still sounded like a lark? Dr. Lenora Fulani, 1988. She lost too.

Chance said...

Ooh! Good one!