Monday, October 23, 2006

Just like when two fireflies fluoresce

I was watching a TV show I really like on DVD and there was this sort of romantic moment between the two characters and suddenly my good pal Auric's voice started singing the wistful fragile love song soundtrack and it kind of ruined it and made me depressed because, you know, I've never accomplished anything.

So there's that.


Chance said...

Thanks. You're right, I shouldn't compare myself to other people. On the other hand, doesn't everyone? Otherwise no one would know where they stood. Actually I should have disabled comments for this post, as I don't want to be seen fishing for compliments. Too late now, also I am drunk.

Blackjack Strategies said...

I apologise, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that to you will help to find the correct decision. Do not despair.