Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The drama I've been craving

In Art, the last two groups made presentations. The first had us make whales out of paper bags stuffed with newspapers and construction paper find. We used blue pipe cleaner for the water spouts. They ended up looking kind of boxy, but I'd make these with second graders or so.

The second group had us make butterflies in the usual way --- paint on one side of the cut-out wings, then folded over to make a symmetrical pattern.

After the art presentations, we were split into small groups. We were given a children's book and twenty minutes to write and practice a skit based on the plot. I thought ours was pretty good.

When all the skits were finished, Ms. M asked everyone if they'd had acting experience before. I told the class that I was a professional actor as a kid and that I'd been in lots of TV and radio commercials and plays and audio books. I don't know why I said that. I mean, it's true, but I usually don't share things about myself in class. I was probably still high from the skit adrenaline.

Diagnostic reading was an online class, supposedly time given to us to administer the IRI. I'll do it tomorrow.

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